Oh, to be in England Robert Browning, Home-Thoughts, from Abroad |
successor to Thinkige Kru whose feed doesn't seem to be working properly for reasons unknown - the old blog + archive remains here https://thinkigekru.blogspot.com/ -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^vintage thoughts from others, vintage thoughts from me - varying degrees of profundity - thoughts quoted for the turn of thought / phrase rather than for truth value - quoted not necessarily because i agree with them or approve of them - i don't necessarily agree with my own past thinkiges!
Oh, to be in England Robert Browning, Home-Thoughts, from Abroad |
"Futures not achieved are only branches of the past: dead branches"
- Italo Calvino
"He, still unvanquished, eternally directed toward the future, whose own restless energies never leave him in peace, so that his future digs like a spur into the flesh of every present"
- Friedrich Nietzsche
“Nothing dates faster than people’s fantasies about the future”
- Robert Hughes
“There’s no such thing as the future. There is always now. I can’t be anywhere else but now"
- Nona Hendryx
Philosophy, as I have understood it hitherto, is a voluntary retirement into regions of ice and mountain-peaks — the seeking — out of everything strange and questionable in existence, everything upon which, hitherto, morality has set its ban. Through long experience, derived from such wanderings in forbidden country, I acquired an opinion very different from that which may seem generally desirable, of the causes which hitherto have led to men’s moralizing and idealizing…
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo
“If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house, I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace. ”
― Gaston Bachelard , The Poetics of Space
“Daydream transports the dreamer outside the immediate world to a world that bears the mark of infinity.”
― Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
"When you observe yourself within, you see moving images, a world of images, generally known as fantasies, yet these fantasies are facts. It is a fact that a man has such and such a fantasy, and it is such a tangible fact, for instance, that when a man has a certain fantasy, another man may lose his life… Everything was fantasy to begin with, and fantasy has a proper reality, that is not to be forgotten. Fantasy is not nothing, it is of course not a tangible object, but it is a fact nevertheless… Psychical events are facts, are realities, and when you observe the stream of images within, you observe an aspect of the world, of the world within”
– Carl Jung, from The World Within: C.G. Jung In His Own Words, a documentary
"If you understood everything I said, you'd be me." - Miles Davis (via Andrew Parker) the structure / pay off reminds me ...