Thursday, May 23, 2024


Mark E. Smith, New Musical Express, November 14 1981

from the album Middle Class Revolt

personally I think the contribution of the bourgeoisie to the history of rock etc is underestimated

Thursday, May 16, 2024

 “Branca had me shaking . . . I found myself responding in ways that brought me back to my ego. My feelings were disturbed.... I found in myself the willingness to connect the music with evil — with power. I don’t want such a power in my life

"I felt negatively about what seemed to me to be the political implications. I wouldn’t want to live in a society like that, in which someone would be requiring other people to do such an intense thing together … The Branca is an example of sheer determination, of one person to be followed by the others. Even if you couldn’t hear you could see the situation, that is not a shepherd taking care of the sheep, but of a leader insisting that people agree with him, giving them no freedom whatsoever. The only breath of fresh air that comes is when the technology collapses. The amplifier broke, that was the one moment of freedom from the intention.

“I don’t think though that the image of that power and intention and determination would make a society that I would want to continue living in,” 

"“One of the things I dislike most about European music is the presence of climaxes, and what I see in Branca as in Wagner is a sustained climax. It also suggests that what is not it, is not climactic.”

- John Cage on Glenn Branca performance at New Music America festival, Chicago, 1982

Monday, May 13, 2024

"Rather than the will, rather than the elan vital, Imagination is the true source of psychic production. Psychically, we are created by our reverie - created and limited by our reverie - for it is the reverie which delineates the furthest limits of our mind. Imagination works at the summit of the mind like a flame, and it is to the region of the metaphor of metaphor, to the Dadaist region where the dream, as Tristan Tzara has seen, gives a new form to the experience, when reverie transforms forms that have previously been transformed, that we must look for the secret of the mutant forces.”

- Gaston Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire

Friday, May 3, 2024

 “There is actually no such thing as atheism. The only choice we get is what to worship.”

--  David Foster Wallace 

RIP Gary Indiana

 Gary with a waspish portrait of Susan Sontag - someone he admired / liked ! Interviewed Gary for Rip It Up on account of his involvement i...